We ushered the Christmas and New Year in almost the same manner...
This was Xmas '07:

The last few minutes of 2007 was spent toasting red wine (I wish it's champagne! This year it'll be champagne). And this was 2008's first few minutes spent waiting for the 15mins late fireworks. Everyone counted down, 10, 9, ..., 3, 2, 1!!! Happy New Year!
Silence. No fireworks.
Then some people made up (or hallucinated) that fireworks were at Ikano's side instead. Negative. We waited, thought maybe this year there isn't any fireworks... and boom. The most beautiful fireworks in front of us!

belated-but-never-too-late-to-say New Year 2008!
I watched a movie on the first day of 2008 (which I do not remember the title) and then...had sushi with my babe.