A day ago, JJ suggested dinner at Food Foundry.
So there we were, at Section 17.
Then, after eating everyone started discussing about the BBQ party at JJ's place following our graduation ceremony. We wrote down the guest list and food list on a piece of tissue... and passed it around. JJ said there's this closet in his room which is out of bound. It's like telling people *hint *- go invade it :P
Next, Ivan delivered a show-and-tell on some incidents that happened not so long ago. We got it on a video! (but I'm not gonna put it up)
They had to chuck us our bill to pay up because we sat there so long. It was already closing time. They placed it in a basket; so such cute JJ's way of paying the bill we had to all write down the amount we ate on a piece of tissue again, and then put the money in the basket. Ended up, everyone still have to chip in 50 cents.
Food there is OK, I find the Salmon slightly too salty. Otherwise, not bad ;)
We went to have supper nearby, and wanted to look for LC's parents' tong sui stall.
(On the way there, DS and YT bought FOOD to eat.)
Unfortunately they were already closing and thus we had ice blended fruit juices at a mamak instead.
(On the way to mamak, Ivan also ended up eating).
I had roti tisu. Yum.
Sam joined us after his networking/socializing party ended. Apparently he had chosen getting to know girls over us. Sigh. But when we asked him how many numbers did he get, he got none.
YT was gonna doze off already, signifying it's time to go home.
not evy1 4got u
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